22 September, 2018

NYSC-gate, Certificates and lack of due diligence

The Security Agencies in Nigeria are supposed to vet some categories of public functionaries before their engagement by the F.G. However the reverse seems to be the case as different public personalities have been found wanting per their documentaries over the years. Sanusi, the former speaker of the House of Representatives, Senator Tinubu, Mrs. Adeosun, former Minister of Finance, and recently Adebayo Shittu the Minister of Communication.

        What these scandals go to show is that the vetting agencies are sitting on their hands when it comes to the issue of proper vetting of candidates to political offices. How the simple issue of checking the authenticity of the presented documents by these agencies can't be properly dealt with beats one. Checking the purported educational background if potential public office holders shouldn't be rocket science. In the recent case of Adebayo Shittu no NYSC or Discharge  Certificate was presently and apparently not asked for. If I were the president heads will roll as a result of the agencies concerned lack of due diligence. It is this type of shoddiness and tardiness that is responsible for the sorry pass Nigeria is currently in.

06 September, 2018

The Octogenarian and the Nation

A Prof retires before 76 years while a civil servant must retire by 60 years. Why is this so? For the simple reason that humans are not wood. They get old and get tired both physically and mentally.
     By next year our President would be 76 officially. So why are some still rooting for him to continue making hard decisions for them. It s a wonder to see that some  youths are calling for the octogenarian to continue ruling them. The president may be willing to do great things for the nation but his health clearly is in the way. He continues to go for medical care every so often, leaving decisions untaken and costing a huge amount of money.
    The nation should allow the old man to rest. He has done his shift and should be allowed to enjoy his life in blissful retirement. An energetic person should be  saddled with taking Nigeria to the next level. The electorates should look for someone across party platforms to lead the nation. The nation must match in sync with the rest of the world.